Monitor Issues

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Monitor does not turn on

  1. First, make sure that the Monitor is turned on. This is commonly overlooked.
  2. Check the cable that connects the monitor to the CPU. Tighten up if loose or unplug it and plug it back in.
  3. Also, check that the power cable is plugged in securely.
  4. Check if the Contrast/Brightness settings are too dark. Pressing the setting buttons may bring back the brightness on the monitor.
  5. If the green light is on and there is nothing on display, turn the monitor off and on again. 
  6. The computer might be on Standby mode. Press anywhere on the keyboard to reactivate the computer.
  7. Plug the monitor to another CPU and check if the monitor powers on and displays properly.
  8. After all this, if the monitor still does not work, report to your supervisor and make sure it is entered into the blue book.